Architectural Risk Assessment — Building Robust Financial Software, A Case Study
Kommuninvest finances the development of Sweden’s local and regional sectors, as well as investments for a sound and sustainable society.
Project Background
Kommuninvest wants to better serve their customers by providing a web portal where customers can quickly compose quotation requests. The entered data should directly populate an online database for review and handling by automated workflows and non-technical front office teams.
The existing solution requires a Kommuninvest employee to receive requests from customers, either by phone or by email, and enter the data manually into a database using an in-house desktop application. This manual process causes bottlenecks and unnecessary processing time when dealing with customer enquiries.
Problem Statement
The new web-system is written in JavaScript and C# and based on a microservices architecture composed of Microsoft Azure platform-services. The existing in-house application instead uses multiple .Net languages and a legacy client-database architecture pattern. These very different applications have to interact in handing of requests to each other, and Kommuninvest needed to implement changes to business processes in the in-house…