How to Look a Bit Intelligent When Writing Emails

Adam Mackay
4 min readNov 16, 2020
Photo by Brett Jordan on Unsplash

Allow me to dedicate an article to what I’ve learned from my many mistakes, taking the form of a very simple yet informative walkthrough that can apply to any email you send out (including *that* one).

1. Don’t email without saving a draft and rereading it 5 minutes later.

No matter what the day is, the time is, or the mood you’re in, this rule is the most important and it always applies. Think of all the junk you’ve sent out in the past that you instantly regretted sending? That is the sign of an email you should not send. Poor grammar, spelling mistakes, going off on one to someone you haven’t really spoke to in a while, calling someone by the wrong name… The list is endless. Better to save to drafts and check it 5 minutes later. If you just hit ‘send’ you might regret it 10 minutes later.

2. Write something you’d want to reply to.

People tend to read emails as replies. If you can’t find anything to reply to you will probably never get a reply yourself. Make it interesting and show some personality in it. Doesn’t matter if it’s work or personal.

3. Keep it short, or keep it sweet.

Remember, first impressions are always made more on the tone rather than the content. Make your emails easy to read, even if you are going on about a few…



Adam Mackay

AI researcher and author with 20 years in safety-critical systems. Exploring the fusion of AI and physical world. Charting the future of cyber-physical systems.