Adam Mackay
3 min readOct 1, 2022


Improve your Business with Written Content

1. Answering reader questions
A lot of your customers are looking for solutions to their problems. When you publish content to your website or social media accounts, you are giving them the opportunity to ask questions. Every time a question is asked, you have the opportunity to answer it. This gives you the chance to demonstrate that you are knowledgeable and caring about the concerns of your customers. In return, they will be more likely to recommend your brand to others.

2. Providing industry news
Social media is a great way to distribute your content quickly, but it’s not the only source of news. Reputable news outlets publish content regularly, and it’s important for your business to keep up with what’s happening in your industry to help you grow and stay competitive. If you want to build your brand as a source for knowledgeable, reliable information, adding a blog to your website is a great way to do it. Write about industry news, new trends, and other relevant topics to help you attract new customers.

3. Informative blog posts
There is no better way to inform your audience than to write a blog post. Whether you are trying to inform your audience about the latest health care trends or simply how to use a new technology, a blog post can help you establish your brand and provide helpful…



Adam Mackay
Adam Mackay

Written by Adam Mackay

AI researcher and author with 20 years in safety-critical systems. Exploring the fusion of AI and physical world. Charting the future of cyber-physical systems.

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