Adam Mac
2 min readJan 3, 2022


With nothing but a mechanical keyboard and steely determination I went to work. Carving the future with a mouse and keyboard, one word at a time. I was going to prove that I could write a novel on this thing.

It wasn’t easy. I had to fight the urge to give up several times, but I powered through it. It wasn’t just my writing skills that improved, my self-discipline grew too. As did my typing speed, which is always nice.

All in all it was a pretty positive experience. So much so that I’m willing to give it another go with another book. It worked – This may sound silly but the fact that I was able to finish writing a novel in a couple of months gives me confidence that I can do something similar with another book in the future.

Walking the Earth - set in the near future a solo adventurer named Steve walks across continents in a desperate attempt to save his marriage.

From the streets of London to the dark recesses of New York, Earth is a very different place in the near future. A super flu epidemic has swept across the planet, killing over half of its population. Its not just people that have been affected though, plants and animals too. The virus has changed them, creating bizarre new hybrids that are even more deadly than their parent species.

In this desolate new world every human is a target. The few survivors must be constantly on guard against creatures that are stronger, faster and hungrier than anything they’ve ever seen before. Even with their modified weapons and armour it’s only a matter of time before these poor souls…



Adam Mac

Adam is a seasoned technology ghostwriter who helps thought leaders craft compelling content that captures their unique insights and expertise.